The Emperor's Poetry

          I, Emperor Jeb, have fiddled with poetry - mainly rhyming free verse, but some iambic pentameter and other serious stuff - and, being the goofball that I am, I've translated some of that poetry into Latin. (By the way, for you intellectuals whom I trust with my personal poetical thoughts, try Collins Gem's mini-dictionary for translation, it's what I used.) As I refine my Latin translating skills, some of these translations may change and I will probably add some more. However, for those of you who lack the fortune of knowing Latin, do not despair! There are some poems in English here too.

Meditation One
by The Emperor
Iambic Pentameter, translated into Latin by Ille Latro
Pro Deus, cor mei gelidum obterit!  Simili saxum--durum, firmum!
Tuber, et inquinatus et umidus, non bonus ad ignem.
Flagrare cum ardore desiderio ministrare Tuum.
Pro Dominus! Calorem tui exarescere formum
Lutulentum et sordidum opus est mihi, concendens Tu
Exuere corium peccatum composuit, animus meus
Sepelitus altus intra.  Purga me mei Dominus Deus!

Confessions of Anonymous Affectations

by Emperor Jeb
Iambic Pentameter
To feign indifference, it will not do.
Denying heart-felt feelings that are true
Creates a torment within my soul
And it distracts me from the Higher Goal.

To express wonderous adoration,
Release the bowels of my affectation,
Could only prove the worse for love and me;
The dear young heart would only flee.

To look fully upon thy perfect face,
To witness the majestry, your poise and grace,
To be enamoured by blessed sunbeam
Is like a glimpse of the most precious dream.

Sweet honey which in thy lips bees brewed,
But part of your beauty and pulchritude,
Dost make me wish to take thee rightly home
And to drink deeply from the honeycomb!

The sound of joy from you exhumed;
My heart replies in joyful tune.
To think about you in great blissfulness
Soon turns my thoughts to wretched wistfulness.

My distant viewing is most difficult,
Suppression causes my heart to revolt.
Yet yellow fear--resultant enmity--
Keeps me in friendly anonymity.
          Yes, those of you out there who wish to be an Emperess, I can write love poetry. At least, I thought it was tolerable. I hope you do too. If you DO, I can be reached at (555) 555-5555.
          Unfortunately, I never got past this second draft. But, it's tolerable. I'm planning to write one some time about the wait for God's planned mate for me, et cetera. It should be good.

Why must we obsess with topics obscene?
How is it that such things gleam with a greenish-yellow light
That attracts one's mind, when upon closer examination we find
Death, plain and sure?  And what's more, we are now entrenched,
Trapped in the stench and miry pit in which our curiosity
Has confined us before we realized how far we've gone!
And why do we find such subjects humorous?
I have partaken of many a sordid joke and merriment,
And yet the exact humor escapes me.
It can only stem from that sinful nature within;
I still find it incomprehensible.

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Created in June 2001
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June 12, 2001