Ryan, Kristen, Bryon, Stephanie, Katie, miscellaneous tourists, and Julianna hang out on park benches.
I thought this was a really good shot. We were all waiting for the cue to leave the grounds while some people finished gift shopping.

The Tower Bridge
Here's a shot of the Tower Bridge, which a lot of people were tempted to think of as the London Bridge. The famed London Bridge is actually somewhere in the Western United States, like New Mexico or Arizona or something...

Katie and Two American Boys in front of the Tower Bridge (Photo Courtesy of Julianna Parker)
Here's Katie with two random American tourists who needed a picture to prove their buddies back home that they met hot European women. What a silly photo idea. Someone's compensating.

Our tour group coming out of the entrance after an official yelled at them for going the wrong way.
And here's something I thought was funny. Here you see everyone turning around after an official yelled at them for going out a way they is CLEARLY marked "No Exit." I hung back because I saw they were going the wrong way, but I didn't get the camera up in time to get a shot of them leaving through the "NO EXIT," which would have made a truly hilarious picture quite appropo to the trip.

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